Also on 9/4 a new image upload site will launch called Design/ers for Obama. Here’s the description on site’s splash page:
"Many artists including Shepard Fairy have already proven that poster art is not a dead medium in the United States and have also shown how much of an impact a single poster can have. It is in this spirit Design/ers for Obama was created. With the goal of supporting Barack Obama's campaign for presidency, Design/ers for Obama will bring web-powered grass roots campaigning to visual communicators. Think Threadless, but for political poster art. That is, members create posters and upload them to be judged by the community, of which anyone and everyone is a part. But instead of selling merchandise, the best posters will be mass-produced and distributed in cities across the country to be seen by millions. Design/ers for Obama will begin accepting poster submissions on September 4th and will hold four, two week contests in the two months before the election."
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