He Fixed It!
I grew up in a cycling family. And during those years my dad, Normality rode a sweet 12 speed Bianchi Special. Recently, my little bro, Snizzle stole my idea and turned my dad’s old-school ride into a sweet fixie and in the process he scored his Bicycling Merit Badge to boot. Here’s what Snizzle did to it in his own words:
"I stripped down everything and left the crank. I took off both front gears and chose to keep the lower one. 39 teeth. The bolts that bolted the gears to the crank were too big so I needed to get washers to space it out. I took off the front and rear derailleur, took off the shifters (they were the levers on the frame as opposed to the twist ones or the thumb shifters) I took off the rear brake, pulled off all cables (with the derailleurs too), untaped the handlebars, de-gooped them and put the toe clips back on. I got new handlebar tape, taped ‘em up (literally, like from the bottom to the top) and got a new seat. It looks wicked painful but its not, it’s sick and soooo comfortable.
"I totally rebuilt the rear wheel. Taking off the back gears from the old bike was crazy. I totally mangled the hub trying to save the spokes but the new hub I got had a higher 'flange' so I had to get new spokes anyway. I trued it myself (with some help from Randy Raichart). I got a new chain and shortened it, but when it was fully tensioned, the wheel didn’t sit all the way back in the dropouts, but it’s fixed now. I like it a lot. It’s super nice. Yeah. I think that’s it. Here are the pictures man!"

1 comment:
Randy enjoyed working with Caulin on this project. I've had some great times riding the Heritage Trail with Caulin--he was a good sport to let me tag along. I'll miss him when he bails for Utah. I'll try not to get his mom into too much trouble. Thanks for posting his new bike, Kyle. Great job, Caulin!
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