Several critics have significantly knocked the design of the creature itself. I have to say I disagree with them completely. I totally felt it was designed in a way that made it feel as though it was from this planet. It wasn’t too spacey, or too surreal. It had just enough animalistic references for me to accept that it was some displaced creature from the deep.
The best choice the filmmakers made was the casting of several non-big-name actors to carry the storyline. This once again helped sell the YouTube, everyman nature of the concept. And frankly, it put just about anyone at risk of getting the axe. You gotta figure if someone like, oh say, Ashton “The Kutch” Kutcher was cast in it for some bizarre reason—you’d automatically think—well, he’s not gonna die.
Bottomline, if you’re up for a nail-biter, Cloverfield will do the trick. Just make sure you knock back a couple of Dramamine and get there early enough to sit in the back row of the theater. Well, I’m definitely in the monster mood still, I think Korean filmmaker Joon-ho Bong’s The Host is next on my list!
The Host = muy bueno.
word on the street from a bunch of my friends was...it wasn't good. like...bad...i guess i'll have to check it out myself...but i've had enough shaky films for the rest of my life...Jumper...oh man..i just about threw up after that one...and it wasnt too good...i felt it was very poorly developed...the storyline that is.
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